Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Group 3

Consider Albert Murray's quote...

In what ways is Raquel shaped by the "fire in the forging process"? Consider Raquel's development throughout the memoir, how does she become "the sword"? (Does she become a sword?)


  1. Raquel, like a sword in the making, receives unwanted infernos ( her fathers verbal and physical abuse, her mother abandoning her, discovering her full identity, etc) finds her internal elements strengthening,(her core personality) rather than faltering. Her state of mind, the hammer has shaped her trauma into a meaningful experience. (By overcoming many doubts and becomes the writer she always dreamt of becoming.) Is she a sword, yes! Very much indeed, last but not least, though a sword may find itself dull overtime, a sword can always be sharpened, to stand the test of life.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Raquel becomes the "sword" because she overcomes discrimination and the idea that they are not from African decent. She is a very positive and strong character because even though many Latina women commit suicide because of depression and inequality she fights instead. She is also a positive character because most Dominican's believe they come from the white race; and praise white figures; she is not afraid to acknowledge her African decent. She not only acknowledges it but also preaches where Latinos originate from. (pg 272-75)

  4. Raquel was shaped by the fire in the forging process in so many ways, first of all she overcome so many obstacles in life which make her become a sword, from her been abandoned by her mother, and her father not been a good father to her, than not knowing who she's really are, I think her pass made her who she became. she became a sword because she used kind of force in a manner way to involve her family members. By finding out her real ancestors by doing some DNA tests on her relatives to find out who they really are. She also traveled to the mother land to collect evidences about her origin. This is what makes her a sword.

  5. Raquel becomes the "sword" because she endures all physical violence. She also protects and fights for others that discriminate each other for their culture. She defends her tradition and culture for her to carry on and communicate it with others. She stays strong even when she has a family that doesn't consider her braveness and intelligence. She strikes back by informing herself and becoming eager for education. Raquel as the sword needs a hand guard she is trying to find a place where she feels self belonging.

  6. Raquel is shaped by the "fire in the forging process", in creating her own identity as a Latino- American in the existing American society. Raquel becomes the sword in facing hurdles and struggles throughout her life that allowed her to define her own identity comprised of two cultures, Dominican and American. In reclaiming her identity Raquel states,"The Dominican Republic is my holy land, my Mecca. It's equal parts archaeological site and ancestral shrine, a place where I can go to get centered when I start feeling off kilter. While America will always, I think, feel foreign to me, New York City is my home. This is where I can construct my own identity freely and reject labels imposed on me.My foundations may be por alla, but myself is firmly rooted here. (Cepeda 259).

  7. Raquel becomes "the sword" because of all of the struggle she has during her life. She faced a hard reality living with her mother and then her violent father. She is shaped with hard feelings because she has learned no other way. The trauma has taken away an excitement of living, the story telling gives a sense of her only living the day by day only waiting for the bad to happen or in her case the beatings from her father. She becomes a "sword" because it can be sharpened an it becomes again powerful.

  8. Raquel becomes the "sword" through the same process a sword is made. It is forged from fire, which is symbolic of life. She has the same qualities as a sword. She has gone through many trials and hardships in her life, the same way a sword goes through wars and battles. From her mother to her father, life was never easy, but she took the reins and forged her own path from the scars of the past. She developed and made herself into someone. A writer and a mother. She's as tough as nails. A sword can be put down and reminded of the hardships one has gone through, but it can always be picked up and used again. I believe that this analogy is perfect for Raquel.

  9. The metaphor the sword is used to describe Raquel. When you think of a sword you think of a sharp edge with a dagger on the point. Well in the beginning of the book Raquel was the handle the part that was handed over by many. She went from living with her mother to living with her father, from beatings to verbal abuse Raquel went though a lot. But nonetheless she overcame her struggles which pushed her to the top of the tip (the dagger). Raquel became "the dagger" part of the sword once she realized what she was capable of becoming, as soon as realized that the sharper she'd become. That's why the metaphor "the sword" describes Raquel so well

  10. Raquel was shaped by the “fire in the forging process”. Raquel also becomes known as “the sword”. In the book, Raquel is a very strong and brave character. Raquel overcame many challenges in her life and learned to go through them. In my opinion, Raquel was correctly referred as a “sword” because she showed characteristics of a sharp person. Later in the book Raquel found out who she really was. With Raquel’s background and her childhood with her parents wasn’t the best at all, she suffered but overcame it and is now the person she is today. Raquel shaped herself as the “fire in the forging process” by identifying herself as a Latina women she is. She also connected her Latina roots with the American culture and society in the book.
